Butyro-refractometer reading at or refractive index at 40.c:43. 7-52.5; 40.c:1.4550-1.4610
Saponification value: 195-205
Iodine value: 54.62
Unsaponification matter: max 1.2%
Acid value: max 0.5
FFA as Oleic acid (max):0.25%
Peroxide value (max) expressed as milli-equivalents of 02 per kg: 10.0
b) Refined Palm Oil
Chemical and physical characteristic
FFA (%) NEN-EN-ISO 660 Max 0,06
Moisture (%) NEN-EN-ISO 662 Max 0,05
Impurities NEN-EN-ISO 663 Negative
Colour Lovibond (51/4 inch) NEN 6308 30Y, 3, OR
Peroxide Value at loading (meg/kg) NEN-EN-ISO 3960 Max 0,5
Relative density at 20oC NEN-EN-ISO 3961 50-60
Meltingpoint (of fat phase) (oC) Own method 36-39
c) Crude palm Oil
Free Fatty Acid: as % Oleic: Max: 0,05
Moisture & Impurities: %: Max: 0.05
Taste: Bland
lodine Value (Wijs): g 12/100g: Min: 48 Max: 56
Melting Point: rC: 38
Oxidative Stability: Rancimat
120r.C, hours; Mir; 11
Density 20r.C: kg/nf 912
Density 50r.C: kg/ma 892
Flame Point: rC 360
Flash Point: rC 320
Viscosity 50:mn2/s 28
Carbon Residue: w.t%: 0.20
Cetane Number: 50
Caloric Value: kj/kg: Min: 37000
Sulfhur: mg/kg: 3
Phosphor: mg/kg: 4
Edible Oils
Butyro-refractometer reading at or refractive index at 40.c:43. 7-52.5; 40.c:1.4550-1.4610
Saponification value: 195-205
Iodine value: 54.62
Unsaponification matter: max 1.2%
Acid value: max 0.5
FFA as Oleic acid (max):0.25%
Peroxide value (max) expressed as milli-equivalents of 02 per kg: 10.0
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