Canarium ovatum, commonly known as pili, is a species of tropical tree belonging to the genus Canarium. It is one of approximately 600 species in the family Burseraceae. Pili are native to maritime Southeast Asia, Papua New Guinea, and Northern Australia.


Product Description

A handful of nuts is an easy and healthy snack, but if you’re growing a bit tired of the same rotation of almonds, walnuts, cashews, and pistachios, enter the pili nut. Pili—pronounced “peeley”—is a distinctive, tear-shaped nut native to Southeast Asia and the Pacific islands. It’s here that roasted, fried, and sugared varieties of pili can be found for sale on nearly every street.

When consumed raw, pili nuts have a light flavor reminiscent of sunflower seeds. After roasting, they transform into decadent morsels with a chewy exterior that quickly yields into a melting, buttery texture evocative of plant-based foie gras. In Filipino cuisine, they are often added to cooking and baking in this roasted form, peppering dishes with a nuanced sweet bitter flavor and velvety texture.


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